Suggestions, not rules
I am really pleased to see that there has been a positive reception to this blog. My thought was that all of the emails and other communications that go back and forth among us will be lost in time, but this blog could be a permanent family diary.
As we all try to figure this out, I would politely suggest that people try to follow this convention in posting: Please identify yourself somehow in the post or comment. Whether a post or comment is from “Todd”, “The Holdridge Group,” of “Fenton” is relevant. If and when I’m nominated for the Supreme Court, I don’t want Fenton’s anonymous posts attributed to me.
A couple of other pointers:
- If you click on the time-stamp for a particular post, you will get just that post and the comments to it. For that reason, I suggest that comments to posts and photos, etc. actually go in the “comments” section to that post. That way, everything will be linked forever.
- If you want to post pictures, is relatively simple. There is an “Add Image” icon on the “create” post page. If you need help with that, just let me know.
Personally, I hope that everyone uses this as a place to communciate about anything they want (personal or otherwise). I hope we can have fun and, at the same time, create something that memorializes family history.
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