Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Bye Ramius

Monday, Ramius' external tumor started bleeding so we took him to the vet to get him bandaged up and to drain fluid off of his lungs. Still, he felt good enough to go for a walk with the other dogs on Monday night.

By last night, the bleeding had increased substantially. After an amateur re-bandaging job, he laid down in the living room in an unusual spot for him and didn't move an inch during the night. This morning, I had to help him get up to go outside. When he came back in, he looked so very tired. It was clearly time.

The vet came to the house this morning to euthanize him here. We are very thankful for that because getting him into and out of the van would have been quite difficult, and he would no doubt have been stressed in the vet's office until the end. Instead, he died peacefully in our living room with his head in Melinda's lap.

Flashback to 12/10/05: "At this point, I'm going to predict that Ramius' new little angel is going to help him get through the end of the year." She did.

