Parenting an Infant

Well, Henry arrived safe and sound on Monday, April 24, 2006 after a three-day weekend for Steph in Wyoming visiting her brother, sister-in-law and two nephews. What a fabulous reunion she had after nearly 13 years! She truly enjoyed her stay, catching up with her now almost-grown nephews (and a two-hour, each way, plane ride by herself....ahhhh, the little joys of life!)
The first night with Henry started with him in his kennel (bedside) and ended with Henry in the bed. We spoke with the breeder the next day and she said, "tough love", so for the past two nights, he's been sleeping in the back bedroom (with soft music playing) and we are letting him "cry it out". Steph was concerned that it may "scar him for life", but the breeder reassured her that puppies are not like babies, they need to know right from the start who's boss. We sleep with white noise machines, pillows over our head, etc. The second night went much better than the first as he is adjusting to sleeping sans litter mates. We had forgotten how much work a puppy can be, especially the often-needed potty breaks. Thank goodness for pleasant weather!
Yet admist all of the trials are many moments of pure joy and love for Henry! He's fitting in well and is quite funny to watch when he's growling at one of our shoes, or pouncing on his rope toy like a cat. We are thrilled with our new "son"!
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