Monday, May 29, 2006

New tradition


Rich Shapiro hosts a bonfire every Friday night starting at 10:00 p.m., and over the last 6 months I have attended frequently and caught up with a lot of people from the old neighborhood. Anyway, Rich inspired Melinda, and last Friday we started a Friday night pool party tradition for families with kids. Melinda sent out an e-mail to several people, and gave Cole and Ella notes to give to their friends, but we didn't really expect much the first (Memorial Day) weekend. To our pleasant surprise, we had about 25 people show up for the inaugural event. It was a blast, and several people said that they will plan on coming every week unless they have a conflict.

Come join us if you can sometime(s). We start at 5:00 and go to about 8:00. Dinner is served.
